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phoenix phyre 2025 schedule of events



10:00 AM

Gates Open

4:00 PM

7:00 PM

Village Meeting - Community Center

7:30 PM

Opening Ritual  - South End Fire Circle

8:00 PM

Phamily Reunion



Coffee (8:00 AM - 9:30 AM) - Bring your own mug.

10:00 AM

Grey Ghosthawk.  Constructing the Sweat Lodge - North End Fire Circle

Trisha Parker.  The Mysteries of the Tarot - Community Center

Mysteries of the Tarot.  “The Tarot embodies symbolical presentations of universal ideas, behind which lie all the implicit characteristics of the human mind.  It is in this sense that they contain secret doctrine, which is the realisation of the few of truths embedded in the consciousness of all.” ~ Arthur Edward Waite

What is this secret doctrine that Waite refers to?  Join Trisha Parker as she reveals the layers of esoteric knowledge lying within the traditional tarot deck.  There will be a PowerPoint presentation but bring your Rider Waite Smith deck to class if you have one.   


Waterfall and Tuan. Ritual Construction. - Nature Center

Have you ever wanted to help construct the main ritual? Are you a returning member of the Phoenix Phamily or new to our festival? It makes no difference! This workshop is open to all!!! We will be discussing general ritual etiquette for the first few minutes and then jumping into the nuts and bolts of ritual construction.  This festival we are working to achieve balance with the elements and raising healing energy on a global scale. We have roles for everyone, regardless of experience level. Those that choose to accept roles will be asked to attend additional workshops and rehearsals.


Lunch Concert Phamily Jam - Community Center

1:00 PM

Witch Crafting with Tourmaline Grace: Divination Boards - Community Center

​‘Does he love me, or does he not?’ Design and burn your own pendulum divination board to help answer life's burning questions.  All supplies provided and donations welcome.

Dr Skip Clark.  What’s New About the Salem Witch Trials? -  Nature Hut

Almost every year there is some new book or article about the Salem witchcraft trials.  We are always learning more, and we are correcting what we thought we knew in the past.  Come and find out what we know now!  Dr. Skip Clark is a retired historian who has been teaching and researching the history of witchcraft for over thirty years.  He has presented at festivals and history conferences and has published in this area as well as medieval history and the history of science.

3:00 PM

Laura Perry.  Inclusive Minoan Spirituality in the Modern World - Nature Hut

Join Ariadne’s Tribe founder and Temple Mom Laura Perry as we explore the ancient Minoan deities and discover how we can develop relationships with them in the modern world. Meet Ariadne, the Minotaur, the Snake Goddess, Dionysus, the Great Mothers and more as we explore the Minoan family of deities and the Ariadne’s Tribe sacred calendar. Ariadne’s Tribe is a fully inclusive tradition, open to all who are interested in connecting with the Minoan deities in the modern world. This revivalist tradition is especially relevant in this era of change and evolution, with a focus on egalitarianism and inclusivity and the recognition of the sacred in our everyday lives.

Jack Lowry. FUNky Drumming Games, and Ideas - South End Fire Circle

Spice up your drum jams with some back and forth call- response techniques using 1, 2, 3 or 4 measure call and response or call and repeat. Drum circle is not your back up band but sometimes 1/4 note, 1/8 note triplet solo breaks are Fun! Let's try some hand claps/shouts too! "Break it down" then "drop" it back in and see how less can make the more be more. Some practice tips for dexterity and timing will also be shared. 
Sometimes great Funk happens when we all play in unison together but leave some spaces too. Learn how to count it out! Try a 6/8 and 7/8 rhythm?? YES! Punjabi style? Sure! Rhythm sheets will be handed out. Bring your drum if you have one- I will have a few to share. 


5:00 PM

Oracle Hekataios.  The Dreaming, Part 1 - The Gate of Horn and Ivory in Greek Myth. - Nature Hut

The two gates noted by ancient Greek philosophers and playwrights have caught the attention of many for centuries. But what are the gates? What is the dreamtime? How can you determine your prophetic and "true" dreams from illusionary ones? Further, how can you strengthen your approach to one or the other? We will explore these fascinating subjects led by Oracle Hekataios, a Dream Walker in the Hellenic way.

Wandering Spiral. Skyclad Sound Bath - Pavillion

Breath, blood, bone, drone, Om . . . Join music duo Wandering Spiral (Michelle Davidson and Rick de Yampert) for a Skyclad Sound Bath.  After a brief introduction exploring the cosmic mechanics of sacred sound (the perfect 5th interval, the mystic psychics of music, and more), Wandering Spiral will present a continuous, 45-minute sound journey into bliss, trance and healing via ethereal techno-tribal music played on sitar, Native American flutes, crystal singing bowls, metal and wooden tongue drums, world percussion and digital tabla.

This special sound bath will be presented skyclad, with everyone nude – performers and participants. Please bring a blanket or yoga mat, and some sort of pillow or headrest so that you will be comfortable lying down. Sitting in a chair is allowed, but please note that the benefits of a sound bath are best obtained when lying in a supine position (back to the floor).

The goal of a sound bath is to alter your consciousness so you can “altar” your consciousness – quieten what the Buddhists call the constantly jabbering “monkey mind” so that you can enter a trance state, open your Third Eye and access the Sacred Realms.   Or just listen and chillax.

8:00 PM

Spring Equinox Ritual - South End Fire Circle

9:00 PM

9:00 PM

Bardic Circle - Outside Community Center

Bardic Circle is truly sacred as it is one of the most authentically ancient practices we have available to us today. The human voice was the first musical instrument, the first method of passing the stories and songs of laughter, love, and lore from the old ones to the young ones. To be in a true Bardic Circle is to walk the path of the Ancients “IRL”. Come join in the fun, there is no skill level requirement. Content related to the Phestival theme or time of year is appreciated, but not required. We prefer that performances be “unplugged” without electrical enhancement.



Coffee (8:00 AM - 9:30 AM) - Bring your own mug. 

9:00 AM

Ritual Planning Session - Community Center

So you agreed to accept a role in the main ritual? FABULOUS!!! Come join us for a morning devotion, energy raising, and construction meeting as we work on the fine details of our ritual. Coffee, Tea, Chicory, and fresh fruit will be provided for participants. We know this is a bit early, but we do not want to prevent our ritual participants from taking advantage of our incredible workshop schedule!  This workshop will take place Friday & Saturday at  9am.

Morning Devotional - South Fire Circle

Join Trish and Eric in a mini-ritual alongside the beautiful Lake Prevatt to greet the sun and a new day.  Use this time to set intentions and express gratitude for all the blessings we receive.

10:00 AM

Witch-Crafting with Tourmaline Grace:  Witch's Bells - Community Center

​Create witch's ‘door bells’ - a traditional spell-craft to clear a space of negative vibrations.  Participants will decorate a hoop from a variety of fiber and fabric supplies, bling and bells.  All supplies provided and donations welcome.


Women's Sweat Lodge - Donella Favorite - North End Fire Circle

Please arrive well hydrated.  There will be a quick explanation of what to expect prior to entering the lodge. Be advised: you are NOT required to stay for the entire session & may leave the lodge at any time if you feel uncomfortable. 

Oracle Hekataios. The Dreaming, Part 2 - Morpheus and the Dreaming: How to Make Contact -  Nature Center

​The God of Dreams has caught the popular imagination with "The Sandman." Yet, there is more than meets the eye with this enigmatic figure. Can we make direct contact with the spirits of Dreaming? What is it like to devote yourself to Morpheus? How can we discern the spirits? Join Oracle Hekataios in this second part to "The Dreaming" where you'll learn unique methods to contact and work with the Dream Time in Hellenic and witchy fashion.


Lunch Concert with John & Elise

1:00 PM

Sarah Jones. Spirit Dolls: How to Make Healing Dolls for Yourself - Community Center

Doll Making can help you to heal at a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. The essential process of healing yourself with artmaking is one involving creating change so that you can become more conscious and restore your connection to nature and your soul. You can heal yourself with art by opening up to your inner voices, listening to them, and allowing their messages to emerge.  In this workshop we will construct a small medicine doll.                              

Dasos Crowsong. Healing the Dream Connection: Reforging Pathways of Imaginative Healing and Exploration in the Wake of Life-Altering Trauma - Nature Hut

 Trauma can be a massive obstacle in a healthy mindfulness practice and conventional ideas about perseverance can actually exacerbate this and even cause retraumatization if handled poorly. I seek to introduce trauma-mindful skills to the practice of dream work and help people not only reclaim their dream space as one of safety but further develop their dream work into a pathway toward greater mental health. My talk will include a handout with several suggested trauma-mindful practice tips and a further reading list.

Dasos Crowsong (she/he) is a Druid in two orders. She is a motivational coach, meditation instructor focused on trauma-informed mindfulness and movement practices, and sound bath healer. His Bardic expression lies in using color, music, gameplay, and other forms of art to express mythic stories. She is a proud member of the LGBTQIA+ Community and a co-leader in a CUUPS group at his local UU. He hails from the Space Coast, Florida.

Grey Ghosthawk.  Native American Drumming Techniques - North End Fire Circle

3:00 PM

Trisha Parker. Spiritual Malnourishment - The Cause and The Cure - Nature CenterSpiritual Malnourishment is a metaphor for how sometimes our connection to our Sacred Selves can seem empty, unsatisfying or even unhealthy. This workshop will bring us into awareness of the greatest healing gift on the planet:  our relationship with Nature. We'll explore how we've distanced ourselves from the natural world and, importantly, how we can rekindle that relationship and restore our vitality and Spirit.

Sound Quest.  Sound Bath.  - outside Community Center

Attendees are invited and encouraged to join us for a 1 hour "sound bath" curated by John and Elise. They will provide a soothing soundscape using a variety of musical instruments including handpans, chimes, singing bowls, flutes, keyboard, kalimbas, and gongs. This presentation is open to all, and no movement is required. In the busy, relentless world of continuous information and noise, this sound bath presents an opportunity for festival goers to "reset " their energy levels by grounding to the tranquil sounds created by these artists. 

7:00 PM

Ariadne’s Tribe Ritual: Together We Are Joy!

Join Laura Perry as she shares a colorful and lively ritual celebrating the joy of connection with the divine. Meet the Great Mothers, Thumia, Kaulo and other Minoan deities – and discover the joy of embodied community. This experience will be framed by the Tribe ritual format with its six sections: Preparing, Inviting, Welcoming, Offering, Listening, and Returning. We’ll explore and express the joy of sound and movement in our bodies as a way to connect with the deities and each other. No singing or dancing experience is necessary. If you have a body, you’re qualified to participate. People of all levels of physical ability are invited to join; this is an accessible celebration. Together we are joy!  

Please gather outside the circle area unless you need to be seated for the duration of the ritual. We will begin outside and will process into the circle as part of the ritual. Wear red if you have it, and bring your drums and rattles.

7:45 PM

Concert with Aerik Arkadian

​Join Aerik Arkadian for an evening of music that will feature original songs, popular covers, and upbeat pagan chants to sing along to. There's something for everyone! Aerik is a musician, recording artist, high priest, and witch whose music blends classic melodies with the power of modern spirituality. A versatile multi-instrumentalist in the studio or at home, Aerik brings rhythmic acoustic guitar and commanding vocals to his live performances, creating transformative musical experiences.

9:00 PM

Drumming & Dancing - Iniko Drum Collective

Join us at the sacred fire, where all alchemy is possible. Starting with the traditional connection of raising our voices (singing and chanting) and spirits together in harmony, we will move through the portal of divinity with rhythms and prayer. Iniko rhythm collective is a diverse group of players, with study amassed from across the world. From Africa to the United States, lining hands and spirit with sacred knowledge and understanding in order to best serve our community and humanity with the healing magic of the drum. 

10:30 PM

Pool Party.



Coffee (8:00 AM - 9:30 AM) - Bring your own mug.

9:00 AM

Ritual Planning Session - Community Center

So you agreed to accept a role in the main ritual? FABULOUS!!! Come join us for a morning devotion, energy raising, and construction meeting as we work on the fine details of our ritual. Coffee, Tea, Chicory, and fresh fruit will be provided for participants. We know this is a bit early, but we do not want to prevent our ritual participants from taking advantage of our incredible workshop schedule!  This workshop will take place Friday & Saturday at  9am.

Morning Devotional - South End Fire Circle

Join Trish and Eric in a mini-ritual alongside the beautiful Lake Prevatt to greet the sun and a new day.  Use this time to set intentions and express gratitude for all the blessings we receive.

10:00 AM

Co-Ed Sweat Lodge.  Grey Ghosthawk- North End Fire Circle

Please arrive well hydrated.  There will be a quick explanation of what to expect prior to entering the lodge. Be advised: you are NOT required to stay for the entire session & may leave the lodge at any time if you feel uncomfortable. 

Sound & Magick - Aerik Arkadian - Community Center

Step into the resonant world of sound and discover its magickal potential! In this workshop, we will explore the power of voice and vibration in ritual practice—learning how intonation, pitch, and resonance can amplify energy and intent. We’ll also dive into simple yet powerful ways to incorporate musical instruments into magickal workings, whether for invocation, trancework, or raising energy. No musical ability is required—just an open mind and a voice willing to be heard.

Ayanna Nyktos. Manifesting Dreams Through the Power of Solar Plexus and Third Eye Chakras - A Kundalini Dance Experience. - Nature Hut

This interactive workshop blends Kundalini Dance, meditation, and metaphysical principles to awaken the Solar Plexus and Third Eye Chakras, empowering participants to manifest their dreams. By aligning personal will with intuitive vision, participants will activate their inner strength and tap into their creative potential. This experience will help harmonize the energies needed to bring desires from the spiritual realm into physical reality. By the end of the workshop, participants will feel energized, empowered, and aligned with their personal power and intuitive vision. They will leave with tools to continue manifesting their dreams in alignment with their highest self. What participants will need: Comfortable clothing, yoga mat or blanket, water bottle to stay hydrated, and sacred space items are optional but can make for a more meaningful experience. 

Your Host: Ayanna Nyktos is a highly esteemed spiritual leader and brings over 26 years of rich experience as a practicing priestess. She is a Third Degree Alexandrian Initiate, deeply versed in the ancient traditions and mysteries of the Craft. Her extensive journey in spiritual practice is complemented by her certifications as a Sacred Circle Facilitator, Reiki Practitioner (Usui, Holy Fire & Isis Pyramid), Moonologist, and in the African Goddess Rising Oracle Deck, making her adept in lunar wisdom and goddess spirituality. 
In addition to her profound spiritual expertise, Ayanna Nyktos is also a Certified Personal Trainer, and holds additional certifications in Kundalini Dance, Pilates, and Group Fitness. She seamlessly blends her knowledge of physical fitness with spiritual practices, creating a unique and transformative experience for her participants. Through her company, Soul Fire Ignited, she is dedicated to empowering women by integrating holistic methods and dance. This passion for empowerment is vividly expressed in her Kundalini Dance workshops, where she guides individuals to awaken their inner power, heal emotional blockages, and achieve spiritual awakening through dynamic movement and meditation.  

Priestess Ayanna Nyktos' workshops and classes are known for their vibrant energy, deep authenticity, and the safe, nurturing space she creates for personal growth and transformation. Her commitment to holistic wellness and spiritual empowerment makes her a cherished and inspiring figure in the holistic community and beyond.


Lunch Concert with Wandering Spiral - Community Center

1:00 PM

Selene. Awakening the Heart: Intro to Ceremonial Cacao - Nature Hut

Step into the sacred tradition of ceremonial cacao in this heart-centered workshop. Discover its rich history as a sacred plant medicine, learn how to prepare it with intention, and experience the transformative energy of mama Cacao. Together, we’ll honor cacao’s ancient roots, connect with its spirit, and open pathways to joy, intuition, and gratitude. Learn how to create your own cacao rituals and deepen your spiritual practice.

Selene is a 3° Gardnerian High Priestess, mother, and daughter of the Moon. Curious by nature, she enjoys learning and guiding others either by teaching, leading rituals or offering support. Along with her husband Aerik, she runs coven Circle of the Horned Moon in South Florida and a Wicca prison ministry. She’s also a priestess of Aphrodite with the Mt. Shasta Goddess Temple. You can connect with Selene on instagram at @selene.moon.child or email her at


Lady Sierra.  Back to Basics - Community Center

When we think of spell work, we tend to focus on bottles, oils, herbs, etc. Some of us forget how important it is to ground, center, and visualize. In this class, we go back to basics in witchcraft and remind ourselves how fundamental these topics are. Whether you have been practicing for decades or are new to the craft, this class serves as a great reminder and practice to help us hone into our skills.  

Lady Sierra is a Wiccan High Priestess of the Gardnerian Path.  She has been running a coven for over 5 years: teaching, training, and initiating seekers into the Traditional Wiccan Path of the Priesthood.  She is also a Reverend or Legal Wiccan Clergy, an Akashic Reader, Reiki Practitioner, Tarot Reader, and is the owner of Arachne’s Enchantments, LLC.  She is dedicated to the Goddess Hekate.  Her spiritual path has opened many doors and experiences, but not only in Wicca, all of which she is very happy to share with others.  Blessed Be!

Sacred Drum Workshop - Remmi & Iniko Drum Collective - South End Fire Circle

This will be a two part workshop starting with technical skills and a West African Rhythm in two parts to prepare for the following dance workshop. We will end with a flowing rhythm meditation designed to help us build energy as a group to attain entrainment and prayer and to get us connected and ready for the nights ceremonies. All skill levels invited, bring your drum or any other percussion item you enjoy. Dancers always needed! 

3:00 PM

Saturnin. African Dance Workshop - South End Fire Circle


Laura Perry.  The Labyrinth: A Sacred Journey through the Worlds - Community Center

What is a labyrinth? Is it a complicated maze that you can get lost in, or is it something else entirely? In this workshop we’ll explore the history of the labyrinth, its many different manifestations in different eras and cultures, and its use in contemporary spirituality. Discover the meaning the labyrinth can bring to us as modern pagans of many different paths, and learn how we can incorporate both physical and energetic labyrinths into our spiritual practice.

5:00 PM

Village Meeting & Auction - Community Center

8:00 PM

Main Ritual Presented by Phoenix Family

Weaving the Web Our community and Phamily are only as strong as the threads that bind us: our commitments to each other, our drive to understand and connect, our compassion and understanding, and the strength of the love we share with one another.  Join us in ritual as we seek the wisdom and blessings of Arachne, the Goddess of spinning and weaving, to celebrate, to worship, and to work together as a Phamily.  Help us weave and charge our own Welcoming Communal Web to symbolize our strength, love, and commitment --  at this time and place, and in the days to come as we go forward into the world!

9:00 PM

Drumming & Dancing - Iniko Drum Collective 

Join us at the sacred fire, where all alchemy is possible. Starting with the traditional connection of raising our voices (singing and chanting) and spirits together in harmony, we will move through the portal of divinity with rhythms and prayer. Iniko rhythm collective is a diverse group of players, with study amassed from across the world. From Africa to the United States, lining hands and spirit with sacred knowledge and understanding in order to best serve our community and humanity with the healing magic of the drum. 



9:00 AM

Coffee - Bring Your Own Mug (8:00 AM - 9:30 AM)

10:00 AM

Closing Ritual

12:30 PM

Cabins Must Be Cleaned and Empty for Park Ranger Inspection at 1pm

If you would like to present a workshop at the upcoming festival, you may apply on Eventbrite as you register for the festival. If you have already registered, please email with your full name, address, phone number, email, emergency contact information, and your workshop title and description. You may also include any special needs for your workshop, a preferred time slot (not guaranteed), and a short bio.


You may present more than one workshop. You will be contacted when your workshop is approved. Workshops count towards community service.


Copyright ©2021 All images, text, and video are the intellectual property of  Phoenix Festivals, Inc. and their agents,

copyrighted per federal statute and infringement is punishable by law.

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